Wednesday, September 20, 2017

(11) When all else is lost the future still remains

One look at Race’s face as the young man came into the living room told Shan that something had happened. He gave him time to put down his pack and collapse onto the sofa before asking what. Quickly and succinctly Race told him. When he’d finished Shan asked, “Are you certain it was the same man?”

“I wouldn’t take a blood oath on it, no. But if it wasn’t it was his doppelganger, unless there’s a whole troop of men wandering the city dressed like that. And in this heat I sort of doubt it.”

“I agree.” Shan paced for a moment before saying, “This sort of puts a whole new light on things. After all, the man who gave you the message obviously knows where I live.”

“That’s what I was thinking, so why follow me?”

“As a part of his game, especially if he’s aware that you didn’t leave here until this morning.  Quite possibly he intentionally allowed you to see him at the end so you’d come back and tell me.”

“It worked. So what are we going to do now?”

Shan smiled slightly at the ‘we’. “I am going to go get a friend of mine and bring her back here. You are going upstairs and unpack your bag while I do.”

“I can’t come with you? Bummer.”

“Trust me we’ll be back before you’re half finished. Now get.” Shan pointed to the stairs.

Race muttered softly under his breath about bossy men as he headed up. Shan chuckled, not bothering to inform him that, with his hearing, what he's said had come across loud and clear. An instant later he was gone from the room, only to appear two minutes later with Addie.

She grumbled, as always, about how much she hated teleporting and then looked around the living room. “So, where’s the kid?”

“I’m not a kid,” Race announced as he came down the stairs.

“I can see.” Addie smiled, holding out her hand. “I’m Addie and you must be Race.”

Race hesitated for a moment, glancing at Shan, and then touched Addie’s fingertips. “Another one,” he said, drawing his hand back.

“Non-human but a different species,” Shan replied in agreement.